Full course descriptions, pricing and scheduling is available on the main JFD website at JFD | Training services.
For enquiries into JFD training course offerings, please email training@jfdglobal.com.
Full course descriptions, pricing and scheduling is available on the main JFD website at JFD | Training services.
For enquiries into JFD training course offerings, please email training@jfdglobal.com.
The JFD E-Learning platform is undergoing some improvements to both its look and content. Your patience and understanding is appreciated during this transition.
JFD's client representative course offers a comprehensive overview of the common issues affecting offshore activities, diving and maritime operations and includes detailed information about legislation, guidelines and best practice.
Leadership and management training is also covered, providing delegates with the skills needed to become an effective and fully competent client representative.
The JFD Diving Client Representative refresher Course offers a comprehensive overview of the common issues affecting offshore construction, diving and maritime operations and includes detailed information about legislation, guidelines and best practice.
The course covers IOGP 411, 431 and offshore wind infrastructure.
The course will allow the candidate to update the vital guidance on how operations should me managed and executed in addition to reminding the candidate what skill and competencies are expected of an IOGP worksite representative.
On completion of the course you will be able to:
• Describe the roles and responsibilities of all those responsible for the safe design, maintenance and operation of diving and ROV systems
• List the various organisations setting standards for dive system and ROV system assurance
• Describe the competency requirements for auditors
• Locate required information on competency, maintenance and procedures in the relevant IMCA, IOGP, IMO and other guidance documents and in national legislation
• Outline the procedures for DESIGN, ROV, FMECA and SMS audits
• Describe situations where the auditor might require additional expertise
• Describe the basic principles and procedures for a FMECA
An understanding of Dynamic positioning, how it works and its application is a useful skill set for any person working offshore on DP vessels.
• Knowledge of DP is critical for diving supervisors, ROV personnel and diving client rep. The course will give you a solid introduction to operating on DP and covers the following topics:-
• All the components of a fully operational DP operating system.
• How a DP system works and the minimum requirements.
• Communication procedures between diving supervisor and the DP operator for subsea operations to commence.
• Communication procedures for SIMOPS
• DP ALERTs and actions
An introduction course to the history of Diving